Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Nigéria - Lagos - Les avions bloqués à l'aéroport à cause des nids de poule

Rien ne marche à Lagos (avez-vous déjà écouté Fela ?)...

What sort of country is this ? (...) Is it because we’re in Nigeria? They did not even bother to take us to a hotel on the foolish reason that the hotel cannot take everyone. I slept at the airport with all the mosquitoes till 6 a.m on Saturday," (in Sun News, 30 novembre)

Sur l'aéroport de Lagos, le site sleeping in airports, a quelques récits datant de la période bénie des années 90. Depuis le service s'est visiblement sensiblement amélioré. Un extrait pas piqué des hannetons :
During our stay, we barely avoided a fistfight, witnessed two robberies at knifepoint (perpetrated by rather small boys against foreign tourists), were threatened several times (Thank God my husband is a big guy who grew up in Africa or we, also, would have been robbed), got violently ill (details omitted) on the "bottled" water, and took turns dozing fitfully for fear we would be attacked by the starving rats we saw fighting for scraps of trash.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Maurice - Rs 700 000 de “gandia” déraciné à Congomah

À 5 heures 30, ils donnent l’assaut. Le suspect tente de résister au sergent Veerapen, essaie de se débarrasser d’un colis. Mais il est maîtrisé et le colis récupéré. Il déclare aux policiers : “Sa pou mo konsomasyon misie”.
(in L'express, 29 novembre)

Djibouti - Halte au squat de l'espace public !

Depuis quelques années le squat du terrain jouxtant le quartier d'Arhiba s'est transformé en une base de retraite de toutes sortes d'individus.
(In La Nation, 28 novembre)

Falklands - Police News

(Comme son nom l'indique)

At 0013 hrs on Sunday, 27 November 2005 the Royal Falkland Islands Police received a report of a disturbance outside Michelle’s Café. Three people were issued with Public Order warnings and sent on their way. (In South Atlantic Remote Territories Media Association News, 28 novembre)

Monday, November 28, 2005

Bangladesh - Les véhicules à bras contre la circulation

Là ou les bus ne passent pas, il ne reste que les rickshaws...
"We face terrible problems during office hours. A few buses arrive to carry bank employees leaving room for human haulers and rikshaws to take undue advantage."

"Rickshaw pullers double the normal fare from Bashabo to Motijheel, Malibagh or Gulistan, and the 30 human haulers plying the Bashabo- Gulistan route end up in a racing competition," Ahsan said.

(in The Daily Star, 28 novembre)

Cameroun - Douala - 22 camerounais rapatriés

Adolf Ndah est l’un de ceux-là qui menaient déjà une vie particulièrement heureuse en Europe. Installé aux Pays-Bas depuis 10 ans, Adolf avait déjà une femme et deux enfants. Il avait aussi un boulot qui lui assurait une certaine aisance. C’est un de ces matins, alors qu’il allait au boulot qu’il a été arrêté.(...) (in La Nouvelle Expression, 27 novembre)

Friday, November 25, 2005

Philippines - Quezon City - La marche des sous-vêtements contre les statistiques économiques

Women aged 16 to 60 gathered yesterday at Tomas Morato avenue in Quezon City (...) Shouting slogans like "Sa maghapong trabaho at paggawa, kahit pambili ng panty ay wala," the women from urban poor communities disputed President Arroyo’s claims of economic recovery.
"These panties symbolize the inner self of a woman. These are our protection. When you remove these panties, you also strip us of our protection," said Tess Borgoños, chairwoman of the Mangagagawang Kababaihan Mithi ay Paglaya.
(In Malaya, 26 novembre)

Népal/Japon - Toyota City - Les immigrants népalais en difficulté

The recent crackdown on illegal workers has forced undocumented workers to dress conservatively in expensive suits. Many of them have moved further into the suburbs, where work is easier to find and documents not required. (...)
Many Nepalis who headed to Japan had thought they could provide for their families by doing the 3D (dirty, dangerous and difficult) jobs the Japanese no longer wanted to do. However, (...) many Japan-based Nepali workers may find themselves turned away empty-handed in the coming years.

(in Kantipur Online, 25 novembre 2005)

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Guyana - Ituni - Des hommes armés sèment la terreur

a daring gunpoint robbery of a popular businessman and the hold-up of a lumber truck.(...)They escaped on foot with an undisclosed sum of money, jewellery, a dish receiver, a DVD player and a music set, 22 cartoons of Bristol cigarettes, a pair of boots, a cordless handset phone and beverages, including several bottles of Guinness, (...). (In Guyana Chronicle, 24 novembre)

Kouriles - Katya Bondareva soignée au Japon

Une jolie histoire qui fait plaisir aux journalistes, des nouvelles du froid, quelques îles disputées...
(In Vladivostok News, 23 novembre)

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Madagascar - Antananarivo - La capitale à l'abri des inondations

Malgré la pluie diluvienne d'hier, la capitale n'a pas à craindre, pour le moment, des inondations.
Toutefois, des rues de la capitale et les bas quartiers ont été presque submergés.
Si les eaux montent dans la ville, c'est parce que leur deversement vers ces canaux, à partir des caniveaux, s'écoule très lentement. Certains habitants de la capitale, inconscients quant à l'importance de ces infrastructures publiques, en sont également responsables.
(in L'express de Madagascar, 23 novembre)

Friday, November 18, 2005

Jamaïque - Lester "Neddy" Mills meurt en héro

Lester "Neddy" Mills est mort en essayant de sauver un motard prisonier d'une coulée de boue.
Le motard a réussi à s'en sortir, mais Neddy a été emporté.

"Dem seh dem see Neddy a hold on to one iron pipe, an den more water come down, an wash him weh ... him can't swim suh mi a fret," said Lester's mother, Joyce Mills.
(in Jamaica Star, 17 novembre)

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Yémen - Femmes policier : protection ou corruption ?

La présence de femmes policières inquiète les yeménites. la porte ouverte à la corruption des moeurs ?

it could open doors for unlawful relationships between men and women working at the police academy. (...) Citizens have started to see and realize the negative side to this: “I virtually saw a policeman helping a policewoman put on her belt. He was holding her from the waist and pressing his body onto hers. I don’t see where society could be any safer”. (In Yemen Times, 17 novembre)

Mongolie - Fièvre de l'or - Le village de Ogoomor ne sera pas déplacé

The company "Altan Dornod" fought to move Tov aimag’s (district de Tov, ndlb) Ogoomor village, along with its 2,000 residents, to free the company’s licensed area of 26.7 hectares of land. The company has estimated that the land holds more than 600 kilograms of gold, which would be worth more than US$8 million. (in, UB Post, 17 novembre)

8 millions de dollars ça fait combien de Trogrogs ?

L'entreprise (russe) combat en fait les "ninjas", mineurs illégaux. Ogoomor est une ville champigon apparue vers 1999. Fièvre de l'or...
Sur les bergers mongols qui deviennent mineurs (les ninjas) et la ruée vers l'or :

Plus technique, mais très bien illustré, le rapport de l'institut géologique danois, small scale mining in Mongolia
et enfin, Mineral Ressources and Petroleum Authority of Mongolia

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Fidji - L'école primaire de Nasinu Sangam cambriolée

"The thief or thieves used the same point of entry which was from the ceiling and they ransacked the office in an attempt to find money but were unsuccessful because we don't keep large amounts of money in the office" (in Fiji Times, 15 novembre)

Brunei - Adultère à Bandar Seri Begawan

Bandar Seri Begawan - A local woman in her mid 20s was found inside a room together with her brother in-law by Religious Enforcement personnel acting on a warrant early Friday morning in Kg Tanjong Maya.. (In Borneo Bulletin via, 15 Novembre 2005)

Monday, November 14, 2005

Bélize - Ratta est mort du Diabète

L'harmoniciste qui jouait avec le nez et la bouche, Clifton Schofiled Morris Sr., 79 ans, a.k.a. Ratta est mort du Diabète.

About a month ago, Ratta, a diabetic received an injury to his left big toe. It was first rumored that he was bitten by a rat but his son Herman Morris Sr. said that it was a toothpick that pierced his toe and caused the injury. (in Belize Times, le 7 novembre).

Bénin - Crise au conseil minicipal de Parakou

Rachidi Gbadamassi fait l'apprentissage d'une opposition ouverte depuis le lundi 31 octobre dernier. Une vraie déculottée pour un maire qui se croyait intouchable. Pour se donner bonne conscience, il déclare : "Il n'y a rien… Il n'y a qu'une éclipse… le chien ne mord pas le chiot jusqu'aux os… Les politicards cherchent à nous diviser… C'est fini la récréation …Il faut enterrer la hache de guerre…". (La Montagne, 14 novembre)

Botswana - Maphorisa Maphorisa a un nouveau Job

A Francistown, Maphorisa Maphorisa, après une longue recherche de travail infructueuse, est devenu "Taxi Stewart" (Mmegi Online, 14 novembre).

At first glance, Maphorisa popularly known as ‘Buka’ could be mistaken for a taxi driver or conductor, because he dresses smartly each day and spends most of his time at the rank...